Monday, January 31, 2011

What do I do????

Okay Moms of the world unite:
What do you do with a baby that won't stop screaming & crying?... Here are the things I have tried:

  1. Feeding him
  2. Changing him
  3. Rocking him
  4. Walking him
  5. Putting him down on a blanket to play
  6. Putting him in the excersaucer
  7. Putting him in the jumper
  8. Putting him in his crib
  9. Laying w/ him in my bed
  10. Putting him in his carseat
  11. Going for a walk
  12. Going for a drive
  14. Feeding him again
  15. Rocking him again
  16. Calling Juan while he's working and just crying and crying
  17. Juan coming home from working to hold him for 10 minutes so that I don't throw him out the window
  18. Rubbing his gums
  19. Rubbing his belly
  20. Giving him gripe water
  21. Giving him gas drops
  22. Giving him teething tablets
  23. Giving him infant Tylenol (generic)
  24. Putting in a movie
  25. Putting on music
  26. Letting him roll around on the floor
  27. Putting him on his belly
  28. Putting him on his back
  29. Reading to him
  30. Singing to him
  31. Talking to him
  32. Crying with him
  33. Feeding him again
  34. Rocking him again
  35. Putting him in the Moby Wrap and walking with him
I am out of ideas and SO SO SO tired and frustrated. I am wondering why God made me a mom. I am so not cut out for this. How can this kid go 6 months as an absolute delight and then suddenly turn into this... :( HELP!

May God bless you today...


  1. Im SO sorry Rachel!!!! I hope he feels better soon for both your sakes!!!

  2. run the vacuum. no joke. put him in his crib, put the vacuum on the opposite end of his room, turn it on and leave for fifteen minutes.
