Saturday, January 15, 2011

Adjusting the bedtime...

We have been working all week on moving CJ's bedtime from 10:30 to 9... we are getting closer. We have been gradually moving his bath time back about 15 minutes every couple days. (and each day I pray that he doesn't wake up hungry in the middle of the night because we've put him down too early) Last night we were able to start his bath by 8:15, and we had him down by 9:30! We are getting close to our goal... the hope is that he will be waking up by 7am (since he is sleeping about 11 hours per night) so that on mornings we have to be somewhere he's not wanting to be fed when we need to be leaving... And, added bonus: Juan & I actually get a little time ALONE at night!!! Gosh, I miss my husband! Hopefully by the end of next week we will be changed to a 9:00 bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Looking forward to that post next week! :)
