Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Pee Pee Bath

Bath time is the BEST time of day for our little guy! He starts giggling as soon as the clothes start coming off, because he SO knows what's coming. We are very strict about his bedtime routine; it is the same EVERY single day, and he thrives with it this way.

Here's our bedtime routine: (starting between 8 & 8:30pm)
1. Bath
2. Massage, clean ears, nose, etc.
3. Jammies
4. Book
5. Breastfeed
6. Bed

This routine has been golden for us! BUT... what do you do when someone (the baby) throws a curve ball during the routine??? I guess it depends on the parent.

Last night CJ decided to go pee pee (or urinate for those of you that don't use "baby" words) in the bathtub! :( ugh... This left Mommy & Daddy with three options: a) empty the bath, clean it, and refill to start over, b) take him out right away and end the bath, or c) use a little more soap and continue as though it didn't happen... the perfect Mom probably would've chosen option a, but, um... we went with c! He was fine, a little pee never hurt anyone, right???... So, there you go. The pee pee bath.

Tonight our routine was thrown off by something else: A teething baby... Imagine that! He is really struggling w/ nursing; I guess the suction really can intensify the pain, and he was not having it! After some tylenol & teething tabs, he finally calmed down enough to take a bottle, and once he had taken about 2 ounces, I was able to get him to nurse. He didn't go down until after 10pm :( poor baby. Hopefully tomorrow is better, but you never know with this kid. He is, however, delightfully happy a lot of the time, it's really just eating and sleeping/napping time when he gets really upset. Hope you all had a good weekend, Monday here we come!

May God bless you today.

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