Friday, April 29, 2011

The Office

I love this show... I mean LOVE... and last night was Michael Scott's last day... It was so sad. I really felt like I was losing a friend... I'm pathetic. But in case you missed it, here's a link to watch it... When I really lost it was when he said good-bye to Jim...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nothing a little poop can't fix...

How ya feelin' today?... I was feelin' great! got some laundry done, showered before 6pm, had a super fun playdate w/ our friends from church... CJ went down like a champ for his nap as soon as we got home (although it was about 30 minutes later than usual)... I was feeling a bit like the wonder I've heard of called: "super mom"... until: CJ woke up from his nap! I didn't realize that we were so busy at the park that I never changed his diaper, and I put him straight down for a nap as soon as we got home, which means his last diaper change was at 10:40, and it was now 2:45... that makes for a VERY full diaper... and unfortunately for me, it was FULL of poop. And, of course, I decided to change him on the living room floor. I kid you not, the second I opened his diaper, poop went everywhere! CJ decided to roll over at that moment which made it spread even more... Needless to say, there is about a 2'x2' square of carper in my living room that is marked off because it is wet from being soaked, scrubbed, soaked, and scrubbed... Just when I was started to get a little skip in my step... Dang you poop!!! Here's a picture I thought was fitting for this post...

and roar it did...

May God bless you today...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Why it's all worth it...

If you are my FB friend, you hear all the good, bad, and ugly that's going on in my life (for the most part)... you heard when we were trying to conceive the first time, when we lost our first baby, when I lost my mom soon after.. You heard when I was puking every day (during 2nd pregnancy), when my water broke 4 weeks early, when labor seemed to take forever & hurt so bad, now you hear when CJ doesn't sleep, when he's sick, when he's been fussy all day, etc, etc, etc... Some days I am exhausted and wonder: How have women all over the world done this for hundreds, nay thousands of years...?

Then, one tiny little thing happens that makes me want to do it all again... CJ says: "mama" and reaches out his little arms for me... It makes me so happy! & today it made me cry... He is the most precious gift God has ever given me... I have no idea how I will ever love another person this way... But I suppose if we are blessed with another child, I will.

May God bless you today, and if you have been blessed with children, hold them tight and thank God for the gift that not everyone has been given.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One kid = lots of stuff!

I am the kind of person who would laugh at first time parents with one baby who act like the world has been turned upside down! ... Ya, God has a sense of humor. Don't get me wrong... My son is the light of my life. He's beautiful, and he's a miracle. But let me just tell you... There is A LOT of stuff you need for a baby. We went on a weekend trip (2 days) two weeks ago and we had to pack our car to the ceiling. Here is a list of the things we "needed"...
1. Pack 'n play
2. baby bath tub
3. Boppy
4. portable hi-chair
5. 20 diapers
6. pack of wipes
7. box of rice cereal
8. 4 packs of baby veggies
9. 2 packs of baby fruit
10. 2 bags of frozen breast milk
11. breast pump
12. 1 container of Puffs
13. two baby towels
14. two baby wash cloths
15. 4 baby bowls
16. 4 baby spoons
17. 4 baby blankets
18. one large stuffed frog
19. 2 binkies
20. 2 pairs of jammies
21. 4 outfits
22. lots of toys
23. Floppy seat
24. Baby lotion
25. Aspirator
26. Vicks baby rub
27. Baby Tylenol
28. Teething tabs
29. teething rings
30. bibs

Now, that doesn't even include the stuff Juan & I needed... So, maybe you can understand why we decided it's time for a bigger car... Juan had plenty of room in the driver's seat, but I was smashed in the back seat with no leg room, trying to entertain Carter (who still screamed pretty much the entire time we were in the car)... ya, it sucked. We SO need a van... (Luckily the visit was super nice and relaxing...)

Which brings me to this week... We posted our car on Craigslist and got lots of calls right away... had two offers Sunday, and decided to accept the first one we got... Meanwhile, we found a van that we L-O-V-E love! Went to our bank, applied for a loan, got pre-approved with the condition that we sell our car first... No problem!... Fast forward to today: the dude that we agreed to sell our car to gets all weird when I tell him our bank prefers a cashier's check rather than a personal check (which would take 5 days to clear), then suddenly he starts acting all shady... apparently he was going to try to rip us off... so, car not sold; van not bought. I was really upset! I AM really upset!... trying to get over it. Hopefully we'll sell our car soon so we can get some more room because until we do, I'm not traveling...

SO, I guess I'm now that mom that's world(or car) has been turned upside down by one baby...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Birth Control...?

Sorry it has been so long since I blogged...

I vividly remember my postpartum check up (6 weeks after CJ was born). The nurses were ooo-ing and ahhh-ing over CJ, and then the dreaded "check"... Everything was fine! :) Whew!... I was given the "green light" so to speak, and what is the first question the doctor asks: "What type of birth control would you like?..." Seiously??? You have been my doctor for 5 years, and I've never been on birth control. It took us forever to get pregnant. We miscarried the first time. Why would I want birth control? She explained to me that my body really needs at least one year to recover from the pregnancy before having another. My thought: "If that's what my body needs, I'm sure God can take care of it..." She continued to try to convince me that I "needed" it...

Well... It's been nearly 8 months without birth control, and guess what? I'm not pregnant! So glad I didn't let myself be pressured into getting it. Although it may not be popular opinion, I happen to think that God is in control of my body, and has already planned the births of our children (all of them, however many there may be), and I don't think a silly little pill can change anything as far as creation goes... I know most people don't agree, but that's just how I feel about it. My form of birth control: Prayer. I ask God to give us time with CJ, ask him to prepare us for what's to come, and trust that his plan is better than mine, and accept whatever happens. We would be delighted to be pregnant again anytime, but we are also happy to have this special time w/ CJ.

A couple common questions make me giggle:
-When are you going to have another one?
-How many are you going to have?

I know most people have answers to these questions, but we simply don't. And I like that. The easiest answers are:
-Whenever God brings another.
-However many God trusts us with.

SO, we will see how his plan unfolds for our lives and our family. I am excited for growth, but content with the family we have now.

May God bless you today.