Saturday, January 8, 2011

Now that's what I call a productive day!

Here's a checklist of what I (we) accomplished today:

1. Grocery Shopping!!!!! (this should really count as like 10 things, because shopping w/ a baby in a stroller, plus a grocery cart, etc etc etc totally sucks...)
2. Christmas trees de-ornamented, de-bowed, de-garland-ed, taken apart, and put away!
3. All other Christmas stuff wrapped, boxed, and put away
4. Cooked 3 meals, that's right, 3! Cinnamon rolls for b-fast, Chicken pot pie for lunch, & Cheese soup for dinner... yumo!
5. Swept the kitchen floor
6. Vacuumed the living room & hall
7. Washed & dried 4 loads of laundry (yet to be folded & put away, but whatever)
8. Watched disc 2 season 5 of The Office (yes, this is productive, because we have to get through all of them, it's my part-time job) ;)
9. Rearranged house after all Christmas decor was put away
10. Fed, changed, rocked, walked, played with, held, watched (repeat over & over) CJ

This has been, without a doubt, the most productive day I've had in about a month! Now, let's see if getting all of this done today allows us to be on time to church tomorrow.... fat chance! :)
May God bless you today.

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