Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stuck between a rock & a hard place... er uh, a husband & a baby...

Well, I know that I proudly share with the world that my son has slept through the night since he was about 2 1/2 months old, but......................... on occasion, he does go through growth spurts where he wakes for one feeding during the night (probably a total of 4 times in the last 2 1/2 months). Well, let's make that 5 times, as he was up at 3am, and then again at 5am... oh, and did I mention that I wasn't able to go back to sleep after the 3am feeding?... ya, so I am used to about 8 hours of sleep per night, last night: 4. I am draaaaaaaaaaaaging today. Although, call me crazy, but I actually enjoyed our cuddle time while I was up nursing him. & bonus: Juan got up @ 3am to bring CJ to me to nurse him!!!!!!! That is a miracle! Seriously... Thanks babe! SO, back to the not going back to sleep: Once CJ was done nursing, I tried to get up out of bed with him to put him back in his crib, but every little movement would make him wake up (which is so not normal), so I gave in and figured I'd let him fall into a deep sleep (maybe an hour) then put him back in his crib... There was one HUGE flaw to this plan: Daddy. Juan snores like a bear...growling...with a sore throat... seriously bad!... So, CJ & I finally started to drift off & then Daddy started snoring! Long story short, I put CJ back in his crib awake, and about 40 minutes later (when I was still awake listening to Juan's snoring, and trying to nudge him into silence), CJ was awake crying a hunger cry again...

I must say: "KUDOS" to the new moms who are getting up several times per night to feed their little ones, I remember those days, and am so glad they are gone, but I have obviously forgotten how hard they were. So, keep it up, and your babies will soon be giving you glorious 8-10 hour stretches and you will be in heaven, until you realize you are super engorged and leaking everywhere... ;). But, the leaking goes away, and I learned quickly that wearing a sportsbra to bed is a MUST for me, and nursing pads to boot!

I am off to try to be productive today... I STILL have all my Christmas decorations up, including 3 trees and lots of santas everywhere... Let's see if I can whip this place into shape in time to have dinner ready on a non-santa decorated table by the time Juan gets home.... pipe dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Man.. Blake woke up for babas until he was at least one. It was torture! BUT he sleeps all night now and wakes up bright and early at 6:30 a.m. haha You're one lucky ducky err Mommy :)
