Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Liquid Gold

I am a proud breastfeeding mama! CJ is an exclusively breastfed baby & it has been terrific! However, it was not easy in the beginning... although a lot of people seem to believe that it should be. I must say that if Juan & I had not made a serious commitment to breastfeed, I probably would've given up when CJ was a couple weeks old. So, for you expecting or new moms: if breastfeeding is important to you, make a commitment w/ your partner and ask for their help in keeping you accountable for that commitment! And please please please know: it is NOT easy in the beginning! 

Even in my case, CJ did "latch" right away, which I hear doesn't always happen, there were still a lot of challenges. Such as: CJ falling asleep like every other minute (in the first few weeks), biting down & pulling off (when he needs to burp, but doesn't want to let go), when it takes 30 minutes (seriously) to get a burp out of him, lots and lots of spit up, screaming when my milk doesn't let down fast enough... and on and on. BUT: now that CJ is almost 5 months old, I feel that we are finally in a good nursing groove. And, breastfeeding is definitely much more cost-effective! Can I get an amen from my fellow tight-budget friends?!

My current dilemma is my pumped milk... I have been pumping since CJ was about a week old, and in the beginning I would get about 1/2 an ounce at a time (so don't be discouraged if you are just starting and you're not getting much), and now I usually pump between 4 and 10 ounces depending on the reason for the pumping. I generally pump once in the morning, after feeding CJ. He sleeps through the night, between 8 and 10 hours, so I am very full in the morning and he cannot empty both sides. So I will nurse him on one side, then pump the other. The only other time I pump is on Sundays so that I don't miss our Sunday school class. Anyway, all this to say I have a crap-load (yes, that's a technical term) of frozen breast milk which has now nearly filled our entire freezer in the garage and the door of our inside freezer... So, my question is: As a stay at home mom, what do I do with this milk? Juan is "encouraging" me to just stop keeping the milk that I pump, but the idea of "dumping" my milk makes me crazy!!! I feel like I have "worked so hard" for it, and I don't want to just throw it away. It's like throwing away liquid gold! So, what are your thoughts?...

And just for some fun for your eyes, here's a picture of my little monkey :)
May God bless you today.


  1. I'm with you as being a huge advocate for "liquid gold" and hard a tough time getting the magic of breastfeeding to "work" with my daughter. I'm now going to back to work and pumping...trying to keep my freezer stocked. I get excited when I can pump more than she eats in a feeding - knowing my stash in the freezer is building. If I were you I would advise against tossing your milk! You never know if or when your milk will dry up. This way you have some stashed. Also, once you start feeding him can add the milk to mix the rice cereal or add it to an avocado to smooth it out. Just some options. I'd say there are reasons to keep's valuable stuf!!!

  2. I agree...keep it!! My milk dried up at about 6 months with Joshua and I didn't have any stored...

  3. Did you write the date on them? You may want to check on how long it can be kept frozen. can always check with a local hospital and see if they would like some (not all!) for their preemie nursery? I've had friends do that regularly because they just had a great supply.

    My boys drank up everything ... on the other hand, I didn't have a cool pump. :^)

    ...I am glad you hung in there. Very important decision for CJ's long-term health! All three of my boys were exclusive for the first 9 months. How long are you going to keep it up. Nicholas, at 3 years, was my record-breaker.

  4. A.P.--I am planning to breastfeed for the first year... we'll see what happens beyond that. I have dated all of them, and can save them in the freezer for up to 6 months... I'm just worried that I'm not going to get around to using it all because he rarely ever has a bottle. I am going to use some to make baby food in a few weeks, and the Dr. said to use it to mix w/ the rice cereal when he starts on that... we'll see. for now, I'm going to hang on to it, but if it's still in the freezer in a couple months, i will be contacting the hospital or milk banks to see who wants it :)

  5. Good job for hanging in there. Hopefully new mamas will be encouraged to keep it up.
    I've heard that breastmilk is good for pimples. Just put a drop on a pimple and they disappear. Seriously...that's what I've been told.

  6. You are doing an awesome job, Rachel. Keep it up. Take it a day at a time....

    Are you going to wait until 9 months to start CJ on cereals? I feel sorry for babies whose little systems have to process solids before they're ready.

  7. One thought about keeping your milk. If it makes you feel better to keep some around then I say go for it but keep in mind "they" recommend not keeping more then a 3 month supply because as CJ grows your milk changes too. So you probably don't want anything older then 3 months so your giving him exactly what he needs as he is developing and growing. Crazy what God created our bodies to do! Just thought I'd throw that out there!
