Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas?... still?!

You may think: Oooh, what a pretty tree! ... and I would agree, last month! I SOOOO need to get Christmas stuff put away!... I am hoping this gets done today, because Christmas stuff plus baby stuff makes for a very cluttered house, and I don't know about you, but clutter makes me CRAZY! What makes you crazy?... If I walk into a room that has obvious clutter or unfinished projects, it's almost like my skin starts crawling and my heart starts beating faster... God, please give me the time and opportunity to de-clutter my house and my life, if even just a little bit, today! amen.
May God bless you today.

1 comment:

  1. I just got my Christmas stuff down a few days ago. Clutter totally drives me crazy too, but unfortunately, that doesn't eliminate the great amounts of it in my house. De-cluttering is one of my New Year's resolutions. Good Luck!
