Friday, January 28, 2011

Solid Food!!!

We started CJ on rice cereal on Wednesday, and he did SO well! :) I think he was happy to finally be in on "dinner" at the table... He usually sits in his high chair or bumbo and whines and stares at our food. I did, however, have the wrong consistency on the first night (very very runny...). I followed the "first feeding" directions on the box, and realized, that's what people feed to their babies in a bottle, and I am SO not into that... So, last night, we got the correct consistency and he seemed to like it even more! :) He was a messy little guy, but he was a happy camper.

Can I just say: that stuff is hard to clean off! Juan wiped him down w/ a wet wipe, and about 1/2 hour later when I was going to nurse him, there was rice cereal flaking off his face... Note to self: use a washcloth w/ warm water tonight! It was really fun to feed him "real" food, though... However, the entire time I was thinking: How did this happen? How did he get so big? He can't be old enough for this... I guess all moms go through these moments (moments when you realize: "he's not going to be a baby forever, is he?"... :( So I am now even more focused on loving every little moment I have with him!

And I am so excited!!! My friend Heather is coming over on Monday so we can make baby food!!! :) We will be using: This resource has been recommended to me by a couple fellow mommies whom I trust, so I thought I'd pass it on to you! :)

Now here's a question for you fellow breastfeeding mamas: have you started your period yet?... CJ is almost 6 months old, and I haven't had one. Is that normal?... I keep thinking maybe I'm pregnant, but that's probably irrational... Just wondering what's "normal"... & YAY, it's Friday! We get Daddy time this weekend!!!!!!!

In unrelated news: I am SO the kind of person that loves to re-arrange furniture often! Even as a kid, I loved to change the setup of my bedroom, however, with a house it's a little more difficult. I have, however convinced Juan to help me re-arrange our living room today (because the current set-up is not conducive to a baby rolling around/crawling around), and I am so excited! This is only the 3rd or 4th time I've been able to re-arrange it since we bought our house over 2 years ago! ...Anyone else like me?

Here's a solid food pic for you!

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