Monday, January 24, 2011

CHEAP diapers!!!

I absolutely HAVE TO share something with all of you!!! My dear friend, Megan, told me about an amazing deal on diapers today, and I am so crazy excited about it!!! If you have already heard of this, please forgive me... I am a bit behind. It is through! If you sign up (which is FREE), you automatically get 15% off of all baby stuff you buy on amazon, plus free shipping! It gets better... If you sign up for a diaper and/or wipe subscription (which can be anywhere from every 1-6 months), you get an extra 15% off, and if you sign up for a free magazine subscription through Parenting magazine, you will get monthly coupons for either 20% off or $10 off, and if you have more than one, you can use them all! I signed up for a monthly subscription of Huggies for CJ (little snugglers, size 2, 144 ct.) and I paid $6.37. That is a $40 case of diapers! I am in diaper heaven! Please do yourself a favor & sign up already! :)


  1. That sounds amazing!!

  2. Here's another way to save... CLOTH! Lol... I know, it's not for everyone... but you can get 20-25 diapers for $100 on eBay... and that's enough to do laundry only every 3 days or so...
