Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Shower; My Haven

This may just be me, but showering is my ONE escape from this crazy baby-filled life! I used to be a pretty quick shower-er, but now I take my time... It is just so amazing to be alone and clean at the same time! That's a near impossibility as a mom. Especially now that CJ is teething, by the time Juan comes home from work, I just NEED to be hosed off!

Today I was covered in spit up, slobber, and probably some poop... Not to mention my arms felt like they were going to fall off, because my sad little guy is getting big! I think that taking a shower daily is essential (not for hygienic purposes, but for sanity), but that doesn't mean I always get one! I don't know about you, but I need to be clean to feel human... Otherwise, I just feel like a dirty-mommy-zombie.

One more thing I've found that snaps me out of this black hole called motherhood: WALKING! (To be clear: I love being a mom, it is just a very hard job...) The weather is perfect right now for brisk walks, and *bonus: it puts CJ to sleep! I have noticed that on days that I take a good walk, I get home with more energy than when I left, and I am generally more productive the rest of the day!

Sadly, I didn't get a walk in today, but I did get a shower... Luckily, CJ napped well today, so I was able to get some stuff done around the house, and he slept 10 hours last night, here's hoping for a repeat!

May God bless you today.

1 comment:

  1. showers have always been my haven...concert hall...place where its ok to really cry. Glad to hear your baby boy is sleeping well and you're finding things that work for both of you like walks in the sunshine. Love that sunlight. See you soon?
