Thursday, September 15, 2011

Singing Carter to sleep

Singing is something very special... very emotional, and since my mom died: very difficult for ME.

When I was a child, my Mom had a very special bedtime routine for us. Most children's parents would read them a book and tuck them in... My Mom would pray with us, and then we got to choose any song we wanted and she'd sing us to sleep. It was the BEST thing ever... And so effective that even after I moved out of my parents' house, when I'd have trouble falling asleep, I'd sing and it'd calm my mind enough for me to go to sleep. After hearing this, you might be thinking: "she must sing Carter to sleep..." Well, I haven't because every time in the last 13 months that I've tried, I end up crying which is not soothing to him at all, and then I just become a wreck, which is not a positive thing... Well, last night, I tried again, and I was able to get through an entire song w/out crying (I honestly can't even sing in our worship service at church w/out choking back tears), and guess what? Carter fell right to sleep. It was easier to test it out since Juan wasn't home (he was at bible study), but tonight I was nervous because he was home, but I tried again & success! 

It's funny how something can make me SO happy & SO sad at the same time. I love that I'm sharing one of my favorite things about my mom w/ Carter, but I hate how much it reminds me of the fact that she's not here. I know if she was, she'd be singing to him all the time. And what a beautiful voice she had; unlike any other I've ever heard... 

Thank you God for the gift of song you gave my Mother, and thank you for giving me the strength to sing to my son. I don't know of a better way to express myself, but it certainly isn't easy.


  1. Thats so sweet Rachel!! Im glad you are able to carry on the tradition. I love to sing to my kids.. I dont usually do it at night but may I will try. Although Blake doesn't like me to sing that much right now haha

  2. Rachel, I am so happy to know you are able to sing again. Your mom had one of the sweetest voices I've ever heard and she used it to glorify God. Just as her voice was soothing to you at bedtime, I know that your voice is sweet to the ears of your baby boy. Keep on singing!

  3. Glad you're able to sing again...I started doing it almost immediately after mom died (in the shower mostly 'cause at first I'd cry too). Soooo many of my memories with her involved singing and it was a way for me to feel close to her. I plan on singing Ben to sleep and it makes me happy to know that Carter gets to hear his mom's beautiful voice and be soothed by it;)
